
Kanik Creek Quarry

Location: Approximately 5 mi W of Buckland.
Access: By road; at Section 26, T7N, R12W KRM,
GPS Coordinates: N65° 57? 44?, W161°16’17”.

Material: Consists of granitic rock belonging to the Hunter Creek pluton and consists mainly of hornblende and pyroxene monzonite and syenite with some biotite quartz monzonite ; K-feldspar phenocrysts are up to 3 cm in length. The weathered rock is recovered and screened for use as gravel. Competent rock is available for use as rip rap.

Kanik Creek Quarry is currently in interim closure. Although no surface material is available, approximately 320,000-CY or more of material is expected to be available by drilling and blasting the existing mining area at the buyer, operator or user’s expense.

River Material Sites

Material may be available from the Buckland River (State of Alaska Master Material Site (MMS) No. ADL 419712). Material is located approximately two miles upriver from Buckland. River material is a state resource that is managed by the Alaska Department of Revenue and the Alaska Department of Revenue. Contact the State of Alaska Public Information Center for river material sales.