
Kikiktagruk Iñupiat Corporation (KIC) has surface rights at these locations, however NANA maintains ownership of gravel, the subsurface resource. Contact NANA and KIC with gravel requests for the Kotzebue area.

Nimiuk Point

Location: Approximately 16 linear miles E of Kotzebue.
Access: By boat or small aircraft at NE quarter of Section 25, T16N, R15W Kateel River Meridian (KRM)
GPS Coordinates: N66°46.224’, E162°0.784’
Material: Beach deposits consisting of coarse-grained rounded to sub-rounded sand and fine gravel.
The site has been depleted and is in reclamation.

Potential Material Sites

Iggy Hill

Location: Approximately 8.5 mi E of Kotzebue, and N of Nimiuk Point.
Access: By boat or air. at Section 36, T18N, R17W Kateel River Meridian (KRM)
GPS Coordinates: N66°55.224’, W162°17.202’.
Material: The site is estimated to produce approximately 1,000,000 cubic yards of silt and gravel. Geotechnical reports indicate that the material consists of gravel overlain with silt with a silt to gravel ratio of 1:15.