Material Site B
Location: Approximately 4.5 road miles northeast of Ambler.
Access: Approximately 3-miles by road from the northeast end of the Ambler Airport, at Section 21, T20N, R5E Kateel River Meridian (KRM).
GPS Coordinates: N67°07.271’, W157°47.156’.
Material: High-quality gravel suitable for borrow, crushed surfacing, and potential paving aggregates. Alluvial deposits consist of poorly graded sand with gravel, sand with silt and gravel, and some layers of silty sand. Overburden and glacial materials are noted to be possibly suitable for use in an engineered fill subject to project requirements.
The site was developed in 2015 and is currently in interim closure. Material is available to a qualified entity that can prepare and implement the permits and plans to operate the pit. The material at this site does not contain NOA.
Airport Gravel Pit
Location: Approximately 1.5 mi E of Ambler.
Access: 0.25 miles by road from the northeast end of the Ambler Airport, at Section 29, NW 1/4, T20N, R5E Kateel River Meridian (KRM)
GPS Coordinates: N67°06.325’, W157°50.410’.
Material: Unconsolidated gravel with thick discontinuous lenses of sand.
Size Distribution: Estimated at 95% < 2”, 85% <1.5”, with occasional rounded cobbles up to 5”. Individual gravel units show distinct graded bedding.
The material at this site contains levels of naturally-occurring asbestos (NOA) and the site is closed to mining. For more information about NOA Gravel regulations, please contact the ADOT&PF or visit the NOA Program web page.