Spud Farm
Location: Approximately 11 mi N of Selawik
Access: Winter-only, via ice road and year-round via small aircraft, in the NE quarter of Section 27, T16N, R7W KRM in Section 3, 4-SE 1/4, T16N, R10W Kateel River Meridian (KRM).
GPS Coordinates: N66°45.887, W160°08.242
Material: The pit has been developed on what appears to be a glacial esker and includes well-graded gravel with sand, well- and poorly-graded gravel with sand and silt, silty gravel with sand, well- and poorly-graded sand with silt and gravel, gravelly silt, silty clayey gravel with sand, and sandy silt with gravel. Estimates a minimum of 15,000-CY of materil is available in the developed portion of the pit.